









cze:  Krátký animovaný film o psovi upuštěném uprostřed kouzelného vesmíru, který se snaží najít nový domov. Nejprve najde dobrodruha a jeho kočku, kteří jsou více než rádi, si vzít ho pod svá křídla. Bohužel jejich styl života není něco, pro co byl pejsek stvořen.

eng:  A short animated movie set in a magical universe about an abandoned doggo trying to find his new home. First he finds an adventurer and their cat who is more than happy to take him under their wings. Unfortunatly his style of life isn't something this big pupper is made for.





Media Short Animated movie
Theme Cesta domů/Homecoming
Language no spoken words
Duration 3 minutes
Age range 7+
CW Abandoned and sad pupper






Where would you like to go?






click here to play.exe


